Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Early Intervention 03/17/15

Today A. the Early Intervention coordinator came. My son just loves her. We went to the door to meet her and he was all smiles.

My son was very vocal today. He sang to her and babbles up a storm. They read the same Bob the Builder book that T. read to him. They talked and throughout the visit A.and I discussed his development.

I told her that he identified a cat for T. yesterday and she was extremely happy. She said that she put in a request for the Speech Therapist to come out but they normally don't until the child is two. He will be two on 4/19 so she thinks later next month or in the summer speech therapy will begin. The Occupational Therapist is coming on April 7th for the o.t. eval and I will definitely be writing about that.

My son actually said a few distinct words to A. He said "Daisy" and "thank you" to A. The Daisy disturbs me a little because I had a miscarriage in January and had the baby been a girl, her name would have been Margarita which is Daisy in english. I nicknamed the baby Daisy but haven't mentioned Daisy as a word since January. He said "thank you" to A. after she handed him a puzzle piece.

We also discussed that soon, around 27 months, we will meet with the school department to discuss my son's needs as e.i ends when he is 3. I cannot believe that we are already discussing school at this point.

It was a good visit.  E.I is not as focused as P.T, its a more general discussion of how my son is growing. We have a good program and I really like the people that come out and work with us.